Hotel Description
This iconic hotel is located in the heart of Cape Town’s cultural quarter, redefining spacious and contemporary living with luxurious all-suite style apartments. In close proximity to Mandela Rhodes Place Hotel, there is a host of leisure options where you can meet, shop, relax, dine and explore the myriad of both business and cultural landmarks. Mandela Rhodes Place Hotel features five-star amenities, including a rooftop swimming pool, wireless internet as well as undercover parking.4 Reasons to book your travel to Mandela Rhodes Place Hotel & Spa with Vacation Hub International
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FAQs for Booking with Vacation Hub International
Across from St. George's Cathedral, this imposing hotel in Cape Town's city centre is a 15-minute walk from the Castle of Good Hope and 2 km from the the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.
Airy suites and apartments feature city views, kitchens and spa-style en suite bathrooms, plus Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs. Upgraded quarters add separate living/dining rooms, and some have balconies. Room service is available.
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