Hotel Description
Hotel Plaza is located in front of Venice Mestre Railway Station, just 10 minutes away from Canal Grande, close to Piazza San Marco. In the heart of a magical region, offering hidden gems such as Treviso, Verona, Padua, Vicenza and charming landscapes, like the Dolomites and the Riviera del Brenta. Easy to reach from Venice and Treviso or the highway, the hotel has an outdoor parking arrangement.4 Reasons to book your travel to Hotel Plaza Venice with Vacation Hub International
You will not find this at any better rate! That's our promise!
Check out our testimonials. We send our members only to the best.
You can keep track of your bookings and all communication online.
Booking with us is safe and you will receive you're formal quote withing the next 48 hours.
FAQs for Booking with Vacation Hub International
Welcome to the Plaza, your 4 star hotel in Mestre. Live Venice, the smart way. Over 50 years of experience in hospitality, 209 rooms, for all needs.
At Vacation Hub International we combine our knowledge and enthusiasm with our members' ambitions. This is achieved through integration, flexibility and real understanding of working towards mutual goals and superior service delivery.
We believe in today's market, outstanding service, quality and value for our VHI members is simply not enough.
Vacation Hub International has decided to take the unprecedented step of stating: "WE GUARANTEE THAT WE WILL SAVE OUR MEMBERS MONEY".